Applications Closed
Deadline was 19 December 2024
Abdullah Al Salem University (AASU) is a newly established English-medium public university in Kuwait. AASU is looking for experienced candidates to fill various positions.
This opening is only for Kuwaiti nationals.
The official announcement is given below:

اعلان الوظائف الإدارية والفنية
Official Announcement of Openings
General Requirements
- Applications must be submitted online along with required documents before the deadline.
- Kuwaiti nationals, who are subject to the provisions of Law (20) of 2015 regarding national military service, must submit a certificate of performance of active service, or postponement, exception or exemption as applicable.
- Some jobs require minimum score of 75% in the professional assessment to be conducted by AASU.
- Minimum score of 85% in oral assessment to be conducted by AASU.
- Applications not meeting the requirements will not be processed.
Mandatory Requirements
- University degree in Computer Sciences or Management Information Systems.
Additional Requirements
- Proficiency in a modern programming language, or
- Proficiency in database management, or
- Proficiency in network management, or
- proficiency in maintenance of computing devices and peripherals.
- Academic qualification must have a rating of Good or higher.
- Applicant must be Kuwaiti nationals.
Required Documents
One PDF file must include the following documents in this exact order:
- Updated CV with details of relevant experience.
- Scanned copies of educational certificates and transcripts.
- Scanned copies of equivalency certificates from the Ministry of Education or Ministry of Higher Education in Kuwait for degrees obtained from an institution other than Kuwait University or Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (authenticated copies needed if application is successful).
- Scanned copy of recent registration certificate from Public Institution for Social Security - PIFSS (for Kuwaiti nationals only)
- Scanned copy of valid Civil ID card or image available through Kuwait Mobile ID app.
- Scanned copy of passport.
- Scanned copy of nationality certificate (for Kuwaiti nationals only).
- Scanned copy of birth certificate.
- Scanned copies of experience certificates/professional certifications (if applicable).
How to Apply
You must combine all the required documents in one PDF file and upload only one file with your application. In case you upload more than one file, only the first uploaded file will be considered for evaluation and all other files will be ignored.
Online tools, which may be used, to merge multiple PDF files into one include:
- PDF24
- Combine PDF
Once your file is ready, you may click on Apply Now button. The button will not be available after the deadline.ᅠ
The deadline to apply was 19 December 2024.
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